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Branding is the process of creating a strong, positive perception of a company, its products, or services in the customer’s mind by combining such elements as logo, design, mission statement, and a consistent theme throughout all marketing communications. Effective branding helps companies differentiate themselves from their competitors and build a loyal customer base.


To “brand” something used to be synonymous with marking it with a sign of ownership (such as marking cattle with a branding iron). The term was adopted by companies as a way of differentiating one product or service from the next.

A brand is a product, service, or concept that is publicly distinguished from other products, services, or concepts so that it can be easily communicated and usually marketed.

Brands are often expressed in the form of logos and graphic representations of the brand.

Types of Brands

Corporate Brands

Corporate branding is a way for companies to enhance their reputations and distinguish themselves from competitors in their industries.

This brand aim is to create a consistent image through the interplay of corporate strategy, business activity, and brand stylistics.

Apple is an example of an established corporate brand.

Personal Brands

Social media enabled ordinary people to become influences.

Their financial success depends on their ability to create a brand that attracts an audience that certain advertisers want to reach.

Personal brands are built through social media posts, sharing images and videos, and conducting meet-and-greets.

Product Brands

Introducing a new product or supporting an existing product involves creating and maintaining its brand.

Branding a product starts with market research and identifying the right target market.

It's the associating of a symbol, name, and design with a product to create a recognizable identity for that item like Coca-Cola & Omo.

Why is Branding Important?

A unique brand can have a huge impact on your bottom line by giving you a competitive advantage over your rivals and helping you acquire and retain customers at a much lower cost.

In e-Commerce, where new companies (and therefore, new competitors) are springing up every day, an established brand can be an invaluable asset in bringing customers and generating profit.

This means that customers expect that your tone of voice is the same over email, your website, customer service, and every other touch-point in your business.

If you re-brand, you need to change your logo, and styling everywhere both online and offline. Make sure you create a consistent brand so that your customers revel in your omni-channel presence.

Key Steps in Branding

1. Understand your customers.

To communicate effectively, you have to identify the elements that influence your target customers and focus on leveraging them. What do they like? What motivates and attracts them? What do they like about your brand?

2. Define your brand Persona

A brand persona is the personality of your business in which you will deliver customer experiences. It will be strongly influenced by the insights you manage to gather about your target customers. What tone of voice will suit this audience? What type of language will have the greatest effect? What images will attract their attention.

3. Crystalize your brand promise

What is the ultimate promise you’re making to your customers? How will your products/services make their life better? How are you going to deliver this promise? 66% of consumers think transparency is one of a brand’s most attractive qualities.

4. Perfect your visual assets.

A brand’s visual assets are all the front-facing elements, such as the website design, fonts and typography, color palette, logo and ad designs as well as the packaging and unboxing experience you create. Research shows that having a memorable signature color will increase the chance of customers recognizing your brand by 80%.

5. Refine customer experience

Although you have little control over how your customers will ultimately feel about your brand, you should do your best to make sure every interaction and touch point you have with your customers is aligned with your brand promise and follows your brand guidelines. Knowing clients helps in improving their experiences.

6. Remember to give back.

Something as simple as saying thank you to your loyal customers can go a long way in strengthening your brand image. Show gratitude by running special loyalty programs or promotions, offering occasional free gifts or extending discounts. It’s a surefire way to build long-term relationships with your customers and humanize your brand.

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