Request a Logo
Logo Design Request Form
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Please provide your first name.
Please provide your last name.
Please provide a valid E-Mail Address
Please provide a phone number
Please select your country
Please provide your business Name.
Please provide a valid Number.
Please provide your name.
Please provide your name.
Please provide your name.
Please provide your name.
Please provide your name.
Please provide your name.

Pledge to Clients


When you interact with us, we will;
  • Greet you in a polite and friendly manner.
  • Assist with access or language requirements to the best of our ability.
  • Provide advice and guidance to help you achieve your goals.
Interaction with Us
When you telephone us, we will;
  • Answer your call in a polite and professional manner.
  • Respond to your call as quickly as possible.
  • Return all missed calls.
Telephone Interaction
When you write to us, we will;
  • Acknowledge your email or message on WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, or other platforms.
  • Reply to your email or message as promptly as possible with the necessary information.
  • Explain any delays in response, including the reasons for the delay.
  • Respond in clear, plain English with details where necessary.
  • Follow up with a phone call if the matter is urgent.
Written Communication
When you visit our offices, we will;
  • Welcome you into our offices with a warm and friendly greeting.
  • Request that you register in our visitor’s book with your name and contact information.
  • Offer coffee, cold water, or beverages if the appointment is lengthy.
  • Engage with you through meaningful and open discussions.
  • Demonstrate effective listening skills during our conversation.
  • Ask relevant questions to assist with your project.
  • Resolve any issues that may arise during your visit, provided you inform us.
  • Ensure you receive our contact business card and brochure before leaving.
  • End the interaction with a sincere thank you and appreciation for visiting our offices at Screen Graphics Ltd.
Office Visit
What we ask of you;
  • Please treat our staff and offices with respect and consideration.
  • Please give us the benefit of the doubt in order to serve you effectively.
  • Please be open and honest about why you chose us and your past experiences.
  • Please provide honest and constructive feedback to help us improve our services and products.
  • Please inform us if you have any particular needs.
What We Ask
Where we have let you down, we will:
  • Try to rectify the issue immediately.
  • Provide an explanation for what went wrong.
  • Agree on a solution with you where possible.
  • Use what we learn from our mistakes to improve our services and products for the future.
Our Commitment to Improvement