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Business Model

When doing business, quality and reliability are paramount. Screen Graphics Ltd is seng market standards for innovave items in Graphics, Design, Branding, Signage and Printing. We are aided by the following models;

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Project Team

1. Project Team

We established a team consisting of a Project Manager, Sales & Marketing, and Production, supported by a Legal and Auditing team. This team will oversee your project from start to finish, ensuring an efficient workflow to produce the highest quality work. Our team continuously cross-checks for strict quality controls and value for money before delivery.

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Preferred Suppliers

2. Preferred Suppliers

We source the best suppliers with top-quality products, including raw materials and accessory products. This ensures that the client's projects are produced using the finest supplies and materials available. We prioritize durability over cost when selecting suppliers.

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Guaranteed Delivery Ability

3. Guaranteed Delivery Ability

We understand the importance of timely delivery and build our reputation on this principle. We strive to ensure on-time delivery and keep you informed of any deviations. We have never failed to deliver a client’s job unless due to circumstances beyond our control. We place great value on our clients' investments.

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Graphics Management

4. Graphics Management

We utilize a fully integrated system for scanning, copying, designing, and conceptualizing using relevant software. This ensures design consistency across various materials for your advertising campaign. We conduct hands-on work and offline proofing with the client to make any necessary corrections.

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Quality Guarantees

5. Quality Guarantees

During production, we ensure that all processes are followed meticulously without compromising on materials. This guarantees that our products meet the agreed-upon standards. Our quality assurance ensures that clients receive exactly what they ordered, or better, with no conditions or excuses. If any mistakes occur, we will make the necessary corrections.

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Customer Satisfaction Survey

6. Customer Satisfaction Survey

At Screen Graphics Ltd, we continuously seek feedback to improve our processes. We regularly survey customers to ensure their complete satisfaction with our products and services. Additionally, our social media networks on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram facilitate direct interaction with our clients.

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Part-Delivery to Clients

7. Part-Delivery to Clients

We offer part-delivery of jobs to reduce overall delivery time and simplify the process by batching orders. This option allows clients to receive portions of their job as it progresses, facilitating easier payment in stages as work advances.

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Sampling to Clients

8. Sampling to Clients

We provide clients with a mockup of their work to visualize the final product before payment. We also offer free design days where prospective clients can receive new logos or have existing designs improved. This initiative helps boost our brand awareness.

9. Variety Artwork Selection

The client is the boss; therefore, when doing our work, we give the client a variety of prospective designs from our perspective by combining contrasting interests of the client and our elements of professional acceptable standards. We then allow the client to choose their best design combination depending on the preferences and scope of their business.

10. Photo Quality

The level of accuracy of the product depends on the quality of the image master with its weighted combination of all the visually significant attributes of the design. We consider the dimensions, aspect ratio, and size of the artwork. A high quality photo resolution gives line, shape, space, form, tone, texture, pattern, color, and composition.

11. Targeted Stakeholder Relations

Through this process, we relate with other entities we seek to benefit in product development, sales enhancement, service improvement, and operations welfare. This applies to Suppliers, Employees, Clients, Competitors, Authorities, and Neighborhood. Good relations with other stakeholders help us interact and collaborate with them.

12. Understand Clients' Businesses

We realize that every business is different and therefore has unique needs when it comes to design and branding. Our business and concept developers work closely with our clients to look into and understand the dynamics of their business and develop the right design solution. We have discovery sessions with clients that help us give our best in production.

13. Research & Development

Screen Graphics gathers knowledge to create new products or discover new ways to improve our products and processes. To remain competitive, we strive for products that advance and elevate our current process line. We practice basic research, applied research, and experimental development to stand out and gain an advantage in the market. Screen Graphics Limited

14. Purchase Advantages & Power

We handle various jobs at the same time, which gives us competitive advantages. This gives us more purchasing power in volumes, hence we are able to source for the best technology and the best materials both locally and internationally. That purchase advantage reduces the cost of doing business, which is translated to the client with lower prices. Screen Graphics Limited.

15. State of the Art Process

Continually, we upgrade our systems effectively to give our clients the edge in competition. Screen Graphics is equipped with Computers, Digital Printers, Plotting Machines, CNC Plasma Cutter, Laser Cutters & Engravers, CNC Routers, Welding Machines, Paint Spraying Machines, Sand Blasting Machines, and many more that ensure a quality product. Screen Graphics Limited

16. Mobile Studio Direct Services

We implemented direct studio services for select clients to make our business flexible. For this arrangement, our concept designer moves to the client so that all artwork is done and approved in real-time from the comfort of the client's office or home. This process works for clients who are not comfortable with the online design process and those who are very busy.

17. Concept Consultancy Ideas

We realize that when you come to us you are not only in need of our products but you are also buying a solution to enable your product or brand to communicate and translate to sales and mileage. Any design concept starts as an idea in a rough mental form then it is redefined into a notion that is later developed into a tangible product that reflects the idea.

18. Critical International Contacts

Our international business contacts of professionals, suppliers, and producers who openly share supplies, products, tricks, processes, and knowledge that assist us in fulfilling the production needs of our clients. These sources are strong businesses in China, UAE, USA, Europe, Africa, and come with experience and improvements in our processes and products.

19. Periodic Customer Rewards

We believe in showing our customers appreciation can make them appreciate our products. Our annual rewards program offers clients some cool corporate items that include; Diaries, Pens, Key Holders, Calendars, Shirts, 10% Commission, Caps, Writing Pads, Dinner Dates to mention but a few. We also have gratitude letters to clients thanking them after ordering.